• I know that in the matrix, if you get syphilis, you also get it in the real world. Is that the same with Cock Blockers?

    Very good question. Unfortunately, due to pesky bio-terrorism laws, we are no longer allowed ship Cock Blockers with live attenuated viruses, therefore all syphilis infections contracted during the game are not physical infections, but rather, merely hypothetical, or imaginary.

  • I bought Cock Blockers and was talking about it over the phone to my friend when my partner overheard me saying that my brother gave me chlamydia. Now he wants us to go to couples therapy, what should I do?

    No need to panic, this happens more often than you'd imagine. I remember when I was a child and my mother use to always be over at our neighbours house playing all sorts of games. One day I overheard our neighbour saying that he had got chlamydia from my mother. Well, as you could imagine, when I told my father, he was rather upset. At the time he too was a huge fan of board games, and I guess he didn't like that my mother was playing without him... I'm sorry, what was your question?

  • I received Cock Blockers as a gift, and find it to be horrible, offensive, and incredibly distasteful, everything that I have been looking for in a card game, I love it!

    I'm no linguistics expert, but I don't believe that that is a question. As the saying goes, there are no stupid questions, only stupid people, and I truly appreciate your stupidity.